How to Make a Spring Renewal Herbal Infusion

Nature's source of renewal is neverending. We exist within cynical rhythms, just like the Earth. These cycles emphasize transformational wisdom which, when observed and practiced, has the potential to propel us forward in our personal evolution. As we come closer to the fulfillment of Winter and the emergence of Spring, we are entering a time of renewal and revitalization. 

Just as the Earth awakens and starts to bloom, we must realize that our bodies are experiencing the feeling of expansion as well. Winter is a time of reflection and stillness, so the energy around us is moving slower, and tends to be more stagnant. Now that Spring is here, it is beneficial to support the body during this seasonal transformation in order to make the transition into this new energy. 

One of my favorite ways to support my body during this transition is by using herbal infusions. I’ve already started making a few, and I love how refreshing, nutritive and grounding they feel. Overnight infusions are simply the longer version of making a hot tea. When herbs are placed in warm/hot water, the extraction process is sped up, allowing most of the water soluble medicinal constituents to be extracted quickly. You can use the same ratios or amount of tea you would normally use (I tend towards stronger infusions so I use heavier hand) but you can experiment and see what amount is perfect for you. 


  • Herbal Infusions are VERY HIGH IN NUTRITION.
  • The long steep draws out maximum nutrients, such as, vitamins, minerals and even proteins.
  • When making an infusion of leaves, all the chlorophyll, a very potent healer, is thoroughly extracted.
  • It is easy and tastes good.
  • It has very few side effects because it does not contain bitter oils, esters, or resins that you may find in more medicinal herbs and spices.


  1. Scoop up to one ounce of dried herbs into a quart sized mason jar.
  2. Heat water until it just comes to a boil.
  3. Pour hot water over herbs to submerge them and cover to help hold in any volatile oils.
  4. Steep overnight and strain in the morning. 
  5. Warm up mixture over stove or drink chilled. Refrigerate leftovers. Enjoy within two days.

                             3 Day Spring Renewal Infusion Guide 

This 3 day Herbal Renewal Guide will ease you into the art of making herbal infusions, and support your body in it's transition into this new season, and anytime you need to do a gentle easy reset on your body.

Day 1-  Detox (Liver/ Lymph Node Support)

2 Parts Burdock Root 

2 Parts Dandelion Root 

1 Part Dandelion Leaf

As we move out of the Winter months, our bodies are also helping support that change by detoxing our vessel as a whole. Our bodies usually accumulate the most toxins during Winter because we are spending more of our time indoors and moving less. It's Important to periodically cleanse from the inside out, so that these toxins do not build up and cause inflammation and sickness within the body. So during this first day we are going to focus on leaning into the herbs that support the liver and lymph nodes in detoxing your body. 

Burdock Root (Arctium lappa) Known to bind to chemical, metal and synthetic compounds in the body and gently pulls them out. It also stimulates your lymph nodes and helps cleanse your blood for healthy skin. It can also help in reversing damage done to the liver by alcohol. 

Dandelion Root and Leaf (Taraxacum Officinale) Helps detoxify the liver, cleanse the blood, and act as a diuretic that flushes toxins from the kidneys while simultaneously delivering vital trace minerals back to the body. 

Day 2- Nourish (Heart and Circulatory System Support)

2 Parts Hawthorn Leaf + Flower 

2 parts Lemon Balm 

1 Part Hawthorn Berries 

With the daily challenges and emotional roller coaster that is life, it's important to give support to the heart. Our hearts ground us, heal us and spiritually connect us to others and our environment. If we do not periodically support the heart we cannot let ourselves live fully and openly to our full extent. We become heavy, and guarded. This energy may also manifest physically in our bodies when we notice ourselves having a hard time breathing, increased blood pressure, and heartburn or chest pain frequently. It is important to support the heart, as it does so much for us physically and spiritually. 

Hawthorn Leaf + Flower + Berries (Hawthorn Cratageus) - Hawthorn is the ultimate heart tonic. It’s full of complex flavonoids that work together to support the heart and circulatory system. Hawthorn strengthens the heart muscle, increases exercise tolerance, and supports a normal heart rhythm. It also focuses on stabilizing the existing system to achieve a healthy balance. Aside from the physical benefits, there is no better herbal ally for calling in love, mending a broken heart, navigating the overwhelm of collective growth and grief, or tapping into our intuition on personal matters. 

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) - Lemon Balm is a member of the mint family and is classified as a nervine, meaning it acts on the nervous system to reduce an overactive stress response. This combination of actions means that it can help to lift spirits while also relieving tension and relaxing the nervous system, in that way it is both stimulating and relaxing.

Day 3 - Clarity (Brain Support)

2 Parts Peppermint

2 Parts Gotu Kola 

1 Part Gingko 

It's no secret that our mental health is one of the most important factors in determining our happiness, and our relationship with others, and most importantly ourselves. In our fast paced world with your mind crammed with thoughts, heavy workloads, endless lists, and stress, your brain easily becomes overtaxed and tired; you can feel foggy or forgetful, and it can be difficult to concentrate. It is important to support your brain so that you can meet daily demands with energy, focus and clarity. 

Peppermint ( Mentha x piperita) - While Peppermint is commonly known for its calming effects on the digestive system, it also is incredibly beneficial to the brain and its cognitive function. It helps stimulate the mind, increases alertness, memory and cuts through brain fog.

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) - Gotu Kola leaf contain key constituents that help the body to maintain healthy neurotransmitter function, while also promoting normal levels of mental alertness and a sound memory. Gotu kola also supports the body’s inherent ability to acclimate to temporary stress.

Ginkgo (Gingko biloba) - Gingko leaves have a distinct bi-lobed symmetry reminiscent of the brain. As an antioxidant, it helps to protect the brain from oxidative stress and during the natural aging process. Gingko supports cerebrovascular health, and helps to improve memory and concentration


My hope is to continue to educate so that herbs will be used daily in your household.  This is not a fad to follow but herbs have been used since the beginning of time and with great success to prevent illness and treat sickness in the body. If you need help finding these herbs Check out the websites below to source them! Happy tea making!