How To Do A Full Moon Ritual

 Long ago the Moon's continuous cycles shaped the rhythmic way of life.To the Ancients, living and following the Lunar calendar provided a constant momentum and daily rituals planned around this time encouraged and maintained a healthy mind, body and spirit. The Lunar calendar offers us a deeper connection with our intuition and seasonal nature. It provides us an opportunity to regularly check in with ourselves, set new intentions, validate our thoughts, and plan what's next with ease and flow with the natural rhythm of the Universe.  


Before you start doing a Moon Ritual of any kind, it's important to identify any "prep work" you need to do beforehand. One the biggest things you can do to prepare for Full Moon Rituals is to download a Moon Calendar onto your smartphone. Check your app store for Moon Calendars that allow you to track the exact cycle and sign the moon is in at any given time. This will help you not only to know the time of all the Lunar cycles, but it will also help give you a sense of when to start doing necessary prep work for any Moon Rituals you may want to do. 

When you know the day of the Full Moon, take at least 3 days beforehand to reflect on your life during the previous Lunar cycle. What were some challenges that you faced? Things that you came up short on or could improve towards? Take the time to meditate and write these things down, as these will serve as a blueprint that you will be referring back to during the night of the Full Moon. 



On the night of the Full Moon take some time to gather the following materials: 

  • Pen
  • Paper 
  • Candle 
  • Matches or Lighter 
  • Metallic or Ceramic Bowls
  • Water
  1. Clear Space,Cleanse and Ground 

 Before you start your Ritual, pick a space in your house to hold the ritual. Preferably a quiet spot away from outside noise is ideal, or if you already have an altar set up you can do it there. The most important thing is to create a sacred space where you will not be disturbed. 

Next you will want to take time to cleanse your space before you start your ritual. I personally will smoke cleanse my space to prepare it. (If you do not know how to smoke cleanse, please refer to my "How to Smoke and Energy Cleanse" article)

     2. Reflect and Release

Think about what you’ve experienced in the last two weeks, and even better, write it down. Use a journal sheet to write freely and allow yourself the space to just release what’s on your heart and mind. 

Once you're ready, write down specifically what you are ready to release and let go of, and then write down who or what you are ready to forgive. For instance, this could be another person, a situation, or yourself. Send love to them or yourself and feel gratitude for the clarity the experience brought you.

After that, you could fold this paper up and burn it, either over your kitchen sink or outside under the moon or in a ceramic or metallic bowl. Visualize the smoke going up to the moon, taking this burden off of your shoulders. Feel the lightness of having it gone.

    3. Express Gratitude 

Since the full moon will amplify whatever energy you put out, this is a powerful time to express appreciation for all that is going well in your life.

I especially like to write appreciation lists during both the waxing and full moon phases because this is the time for growth and manifestation, and nothing speeds up that process faster than acknowledging what is going well.

Write down as many things you can think of that you’re grateful for. If it’s hard to think of something, just start small.As you keep adding to your list and truly reflect on how each thing majorly impacts and improves your life, you will begin to feel yourself bursting with complete gratitude and love.

   4. Charge and Cleanse your Tools

Spiritual tools that carry their own energetic frequency and vibration absorb your energy and the energy around them throughout the month. There are many ways to clear and charge these tools, but one powerful way is to set these items out under the energy of the full moon.

Gather all your crystals, spiritual tools, favorite jewelry and any other sacred items and take them outside for a moon bath. A windowsill that gets direct moon light is perfectly fine if you can’t get your items out under the moon.

  5. Take A Energy Renewing Bath 

What ritual wouldn’t be complete without a bath? Water is symbolic of cleansing and recharging. Draw a hot bath and place any salts or oils you feel called to put in, or get some from our Water Collection at Earth's Elements Apothecary!

Allow yourself to submerge into the dark and stillness, connecting back to the spiritual realm and yourself. Visualize this water recharging you after everything you’ve released tonight. Know that your doorway is cleared and open, and you’re ready to receive everything you’ve intended to receive. If you do not know how to take a Energy Cleansing bath please refer back to the past articles for a step by step guide. 

   6. Make Moon Water 

  • Pour some water into a bowl or jar. I like to use mason jars because they have a lid, they're pretty and the light can get through the glass.

  • Place your jar on a porch, a windowsill, or directly in the path of moonlight. (Definitely cover your water if you're putting it outside).

  • Keep it there overnight. Many people pull the water inside before the sun comes up, but others do not. This is a personal choice.

  • You can do this for the new before, during and of the moon phase you're working with, but during the day-of is best.

   7. Relax and Release for the Night!

For some, this would mean going out with friends, for others it would mean making your favorite food, getting a glass of wine and watching your favorite shows–the important thing is that you’re letting go for the night.

Celebrate your growth and experiences over the last two weeks, as well as any manifestations that are occurring for you.

I hope sharing my full moon ritual gave you some ideas to incorporate into your own ritual. As I always say, tailor it to fit YOU. There is no right way to do a moon ritual.

*Remember to Check out Earth's Element's Apothecary Shop for any Full Moon Ritual Items you may need! *