Throughout the day, you can come into contact with many different types of energies, good and bad. Weather its driving on the road, listening to the radio, or even grocery shopping, your energy field is constantly becoming intermingled with things outside of yourself, and affecting you in many different ways. In this, day and age, if you want to be more grounded, clear headed, and less distracted, it is absolutely imperative that you have a daily spiritual cleansing ritual, that helps keep your energy positive and pure throughout your day. 


As you collect different spiritual cleansing tools, you'll begin to become familiar with the specific properties of each item. For example, sage is used more for "clearing" and "removing" certain negative energies, while Palo Santo is used more for "inviting" and "bringing in" positive energies. Make sure you become familiar with the characteristics of each of your cleansing tools before adding them to your practice.       


Weather or not you have an established spiritual practice or not, it's always a good idea to begin each day and end each night with some sort of cleansing to reset and renew your energy. The location of where you do your cleansing practice is up to you, but I personally prefer somewhere quiet and relaxing where I can focus my thoughts on the things I want to release from my aura, and center my mind to become present for that. 


Before you start your practice, be sure to get your mind and body into a relaxed meditative state. Become aware of your body and how it feels. Unclench your jaw. Relax your shoulders. Take a couple of deep breaths, close your eyes and become present. Try to stay in this state for at least a couple minutes. When you are ready, you can prepare your area for your cleanse. If you are using something that requires to be burned (such as sage or Palo Sano) make sure you have a bowl, tray or container of some sort to catch the ashes with. 


When you begin your cleanse, start by setting your intentions of what you want to release. Cleansing isn't just "getting rid of" negative energy, it can be about letting go of toxic thought patterns, or maybe your want to release cravings or compulsive thoughts. It can literally be anything you feel is weighing down your energy, or you feel that you need to release. Once you set your intentions, you can start cleansing with your tool. If your using a smudge stick, wood, or grass, start by lighting it and then blowing out the flame and letting it smolder, releasing its smoke. Run the stick all around your body, letting the smoke touch every part of your body. If you're using a mist, spritz it on yourself and the area around you. If you're using a crystal move it up and down the different parts of your body. While I do this in my practice, I like to have a chant or affirmation I say aloud to really speak my intentions. You can use this Release Chant I have come up with: 

" I cleanse and release the energies of the past. I am light and free. I cleanse and release all the energies that weigh me down. I am light and free. I cleanse and release all that blocks me from receiving. I am light and free. I cleanse and release all that makes me heavy. I am now light and free, And with this lightness, I can be me." 


Cleansing and clearing your personal space is just as important as doing it to yourself. As humans, we naturally become products of our environment so it is important to make sure your personal space is clear of any lingering negative energies that you may have brought in from outside. When your ready to cleanse your space, grab whatever tool you're using and say this chant while moving from room to room: 

"Dearest God/ Angels/ Universe, please join me as I purify and cleanse this space. Please help me to lift any energies that do not serve me, please help me to cleanse away the pains. Please fill this space with light and and love. Please fill this space with joy. Protect my space, so it may be a haven of prosperity, purpose and light. This space is protected. We are one. This space is protected. Our work is done. Thank you. 


While the craziness of the world seems to be ever growing, I am extremely grateful to my spiritual practice. Whatever you believe, having a spiritual practice is something that is so important. It not only keeps you focused and grounded, it helps you take time to really focus on your state of mind, body and soul, as well as keep track of certain goals you have. And most importantly, it helps you grow as a person. There is no right or wrong way to start a spiritual practice. All that matters the most, is showing up for yourself. Happy Practicing!