Going With The Flow: How to Connect With The Water Element Through A Spiritual Energy Bath

The Element of Water is considered to be one the most essential substances that gives life to everything on this planet. Before the advent of roads, water provided humans with the most efficient means of travel, and it is still host to one quarter of the biodiversity found on Earth. Associated with the Moon, psychic abilities, dreams, and the realm of emotions, the Water Element is a shape-shifter, moving easily throughout the world by following the path of least resistance. It can exist as a solid in the form of ice, or as a gas in tiny particles in the air. It takes the form of puddles after rain, only to disappear again in the sunshine. Water is represented by lakes, streams, rivers, oceans, and rain, and is beneficial in its cleansing, purifying, healing and nourishing qualities


Not a lot of people are drawn to baths, but spiritual baths are much different. They are a relaxation ritual, intended for spiritual hygiene and to cleanse your personal energy body.  Before you start your bath, set the mood by cleaning your tub, clearing the space on your bathroom counter, or even adding candles, incense, or plants to help set the mood. Also, you might want to play relaxing and calming music to further get into the mood of relaxation. 


Before you take your bath, its a good idea to set an intention for it. If there's a specific feeling or attitude you want to invoke, use that for the intention for your bath. If you are trying to release tension or negativity, that can also be your intention. Doing this helps make your bath work for you, and help you manifest the things you wish for. You want to set these intentions while adding the ingredients to your bath water. It could something as simple as " I am blessing this water with a soothing herbal blend with the intent of softening my view of myself and allowing my inner beauty to shine through," Be sure to make it personal, or whatever speaks to your spirit at the time. Say what feels right. 

Then, lower yourself into the bath. Visualize the supercharged water, and all the essence from the ingredients absorbing all the energies that no longer serve you, and transferring strength and support. Close your eyes and soak in the love and intentions you have set for yourself. You deserve it. 

When you are finished soaking, go ahead and start draining the water, and visualize the water going down the drain is further taking away all the energies that do not serve you. ( If you are using a loose product, you can also let the flowers and herbs go down the drain as well or scoop them out of the tub) Moisturize your body and continue your other spiritual practices for the rest of the night. 

Spiritual baths are an important part of a powerful self care routine and should be practiced regularly. Weather its weekly, monthly, or annually, find a schedule that works for you, and stick to it.