Air Element Meditation

Introduction to the Air Element Energy gives us life, it shapes, it destroys, it blows an never ending song throughout the entirety of the world, effecting everything in its path in some way. Completely invisible, the Air Element leaves it's mark on almost everything it touches. So if the Air Element serves such a necessary role in nature, one might ask, "How are we affected by this element, and what role does it play in my life?" Essentially the Air Element is associated with the energy of our thoughts, which can also be referred to as our "Mental Body" It is expressed through thoughts, currents, and the nervous system. It's associated with synapses firing in the brain, and oxygen flowing into the lungs and bloodstream. This element is about the breath, and seeking inspiration. Its home territory is the vast mental field, where "thoughts are things" that create the tangible outline of our lives. When this energy is balanced within your mind, it is free and flexible. You can mentally travel and explore the depths of your inner self and creativity allowing new ideas to widen your horizon.
Understanding the Air Element's Current Role in Your Life 
Before we can dive into the Air Element Meditation, take a minute to access the current role Air Energy is playing in your life. 
You may have too much Air Energy if....
  • You feel it's hard to feel grounded and in your body.
  • You get lost often with your head in the clouds.
  • You find it hard to tie down your ideas to tangible, daily effort.
  • Your busy mind keeps you awake with insomnia and you have trouble sleeping.
  • You are high-strung, and hyper with unstable breathing.
  • You feel like your energy is being drained by talking, texting, emailing, etc.
  • You feel like you can't organize your thoughts. There's too much static and not enough space or room to breathe.                                                                                     
                       You may have too little Air Energy if.....
    • It's hard to see yourself with any objectivity.
    • You're apathetic, bored.
    • You don't see a point to what you're doing.
    • You lack sufficient energy and motivation 
    • You experience prolonged brain fog 
    • You have a short term memory 
    • You have a hard time recalling and remembering things


    Balancing the Air Element 

     Weather you have too much or too little of the Air Element present in your life, its important to maintain a balance to create a healthy connection.

    Ways you can balance the Air Element can be to...

    • Open your windows on fresh air days 
    • Keep a journal to write down your thoughts 
    • Spend time watching the clouds 
    • Sage or smoke cleanse your personal space often 
    • Hang up wind chimes outside 
    • Look at the horizon from a summit or lookout 
    • Do mindful breathing techniques


    Affirmations for Balancing the Air Element


    Say these affirmations before sitting down to mediate for the day, to help balance the Air Energy within yourself.

    " I willingly release all fears and negativity that block me from speaking my truth " 

    I use my words and mind to create beauty in this world" 

    "I communicate confidently and with ease" 

    " My mind is free and clear and I am able to think about my wants and desires clearly" 

    "I am able to visualize clearly what I want and don't want in my life" 

    " I speak to myself with love and understanding. I understand the relationship with myself is the most important relationship I can have" 

    " I speak my truth confidently and with ease, without worrying about what others may think." 

    " I let my mind dwell on the positive things about my life. I do not have time to let negativity burden my thoughts" 

    " I understand that my thoughts create my reality, and I choose to give energy to the thoughts that bring me closer to love and my dreams and desires" 


    Starting the Air Element 7 Day Meditation 


    Connecting and balancing our inner truth begins with quieting the mind. Mindful Meditation presents a way to calm thoughts by focusing attention on the breath. With each inhale think to yourself. " I am in balance with my wants and desires" Then with each exhale think to yourself again " What CAN I DO to be in balance with my wants and desires" When thoughts or distractions arise, observe them and let them calmly pass. 

    As simple as it sounds, our minds are constantly flooded with thoughts, and even a short 15 minute meditation is more difficult than it sounds. Mindfulness meditation gets easier over time and brings stillness and space to our minds. Through that quiet, we learn to connect more closely with our inner selves and open and balance all aspects of our lives. 

    DAY 1 - 7


    1. Say all the Air Element Affirmations. Read them aloud in a confident voice to yourself. As each word leaves your mouth, take time to be aware of how each affirmation makes you feel emotionally. Observe any blocks or unbalance that may happen when you say these affirmations. This may be an indicator of things you need to work through energetically. 
    2. Start your Air Element Meditation. 
    • Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed .
    • Notice and align your thoughts with your breathing as each breath enters through the nostrils and then passes down the back part of the throat and into the lungs.
    • Now exhale this breath slowly out of the mouth, making a conscious effort to listen to the "hum" sound that the air creates when leaving your body.
    • Repeat and stay mindful of your breath. Meditate for 15 minutes. 

           3. After meditation, pull out your journal. You can choose these prompts to write each day to further balance the Air Element. When journaling, take your time to answer these questions. You might not know what to write right away, and that's ok. Take time to search for your truth to these questions and be completely honest with your answers. 

    • Am I honest with other people and myself about the things I want and desire? Or do I play small because I am afraid of asking for too much. What can I do to freely speak my truth to others without being affected by their judgements? 
    • Do I speak my truth without a fear of being ridiculed? If I am afraid to speak my truth, why is that. Why am I afraid of what other people might think? Do I fear their reaction or fear they might judge me? 
    • Do I speak with power and confidence in what I do, or do I tear myself down and speak badly about myself? Why do I choose to tear myself down with my  words instead of lifting myself up with power? 
    • Do I freely express myself, my thoughts, my feelings, and my emotions? Or do I feel like my needs are unimportant? What can I do everyday to make sure my needs are fully met to the utmost? 
    • When I wake up in the morning, where does my mind go? Does it tend to drift towards negativity, or positivity? Do I think in the past or am I in the present moment? What can I do to keep my mind focused on the things I desire for my life instead of focusing on fear? 
    • Do I express my truest version when I am with others? Is the version of myself that I portray to others in person and on social media the same person who is who I am at my core when I am alone,and no one is around? Am I exactly who I say I am, and who I portray myself to be? If these do not align why do I feel like I portray multiple versions of myself? 
    • Do I control my mind or does my mind control me? Am I in control of the things I think, or does my mind race often with its own thoughts? When my mind races, what thoughts usually come up? Why do I think these thoughts take up so much space in my mind. Are they healthy or unhealthy? Do they stem from love or fear?  
          4. (Optional) Choose a "Air Balancing" activity (listed above) to do everyday for these 7 days of the Air Element Meditation Challenge. 
    Seeing a Change 
    As you embark on this period of balancing the Air Element in your life, be mindful of the progress you make and how each day feels as you complete these prompts and activities. Feel free to journal about any other things and emotions you may be feeling at this time. Be sure to stay completely present as you take the time to go on the journey within yourself. Treat yourself with love and kindness if you come across any blockages during this journey. Remember this is challenge isn't meant to establish a "perfect" mediation routine, but rather, to enhance your relationship with yourself and form a strong connection through your mind, body, spirit, and of course, Earth's Elements.