A Guide to Spring Clean Your Home's Energy

The time is finally here! It's Spring! If you were anything like me, I spent days hibernating inside for winter. Between the cold snowy weather, stress of the Election, the holidays, and uncertain New Years resolutions, this stagnant, anxiety filled energy may still be residing in your home, and clogging the circulation of fresh vibes! Sometimes it is difficult to get around to cleaning, energetic or otherwise, as often as we know we should. 

Even though you can’t see the dust of the energy that settles in your home, if you don’t occasionally cleanse it, that stagnant energy will collect and affect how you and others view your space. It’s like when you walk into a place that gives you an icky or uncomfortable feeling that you can’t explain. Places carry an energy, just like people. When they are pure, the space feels fresh and full of life. When they are clogged with old or negative energies, the space gives off an unwelcoming feeling. The vibrant energy of your home will dull if it’s not cleansed. What was once your happy place, will take on a feeling of heaviness.

Clearing your home's energy will invite the warm, fresh, abundant, growth energy of Spring into your life. Here are a few simple, really great ways, you can clear out the energy of your home & move into Spring grounded & ready to bloom.


Now is the time to really go through the things that may have accumulated in your home. Take the time to go into every room in your home and remove the items that you no longer need, or that are no longer aligned with your vision. Clearing out clutter is extremely important because 1.) Clutter is a magnet for stagnant, clogged energy. Wherever there is clutter in your home, it prevents the energy from flowing freely throughout your home. Clearing the clutter allows the fresh energy of Spring to move freely into your house & into your life. And 2.) Clearing clutter and old things that serve no purpose for you, makes space for new things to enter into your life. Holding onto things that no longer serve you only take up valuable space, and can block the new things that are waiting to come into your life. By clearing it out you are literally creating space for abundant new growth to come into your life. 


Once you've physically cleaned your home, now it's time to energetically cleanse your space. You can do this, by using sage, palo santo, incense, or a cleansing spray. Energy cleansing your home is extremely important as we move into Spring. We've spent a lot of months stuck inside, and the old energy of Winter is still lingering and needs to be phased out. Cleansing clears out all that old, stuck energy, so that we can feel fresh and airy as we embrace Spring. 

Here's some simple steps on how to energy cleanse your home: 

1.) Start in the space where the energy in your home feels the most stagnant. What part of your home makes you feel tired or that you just don't enjoy being in? Start there. 

2.) Grab your cleansing tool (sage, cedar, palo santo, spray, singing bowl etc) and start moving clockwise throughout the room. If you are smoke cleansing use your hand to waft the smoke into all the areas of your room. Raise & lower your smudging stick so the smoke gets the floor, as well as the ceiling. Pay special attention to the corners in each room, stagnant energy really likes to get stuck there.

3.)  If you’d like, in each room you can say a cleansing prayer: “I cleanse this room of negativity and any energy that doesn’t support me/us. Only happiness and positivity can grow here.”

Move in a clockwise direction around your home and repeat this process throughout every room in your house. MAKE SURE TO OPEN YOUR WINDOWS DURING THIS PROCESS SO THE NEGATIVE ENERGY HAS SOMEWHERE TO ESCAPE!


Take some time to seal your home from any negative & unwanted energy, and also invite good energy into your home by using crystals. These are simple ways you can add protection to your home.

  • Place amethyst by your front door in order to protect your home from negative energy
  • Place two pieces of rose quartz in the bedroom in order to invite positive and harmonious relationships
  • Place citrine in the home office to invite abundance and prosperity
  • Place clear quartz near all technology like computers, internet routers, and the TV in order to minimize free radical damage
  • Place celestite in the dining room or family area to promote happy conversations. 
  • Add a piece of selenite to your windowsills for cleansing, clearing and raising the vibration of your home to a higher level.
  • Place black tourmaline in all four corners of your home to create a grid of protection around your space. 


Bringing nature inside the home is a great way to evoke positive energy and to clear the energy of your home. Certain indoor plants have also been proven to work just like a natural air filter. Here are some of the best options when it comes to clearing the air in your home-

  • Aloe vera
  • Bamboo Palm/ Lady Palm/ Areca Palm / Date Palm
  • Ficus Alii
  • Peace Lily
  • Boston Fern
  • Corn Plant
  • English Ivy

We hope you loved all these Spring Clearing ideas! Try them all! Happy Spring and Happy Cleansing Everyone!